Towards Climate-Neutral Housing: Identifying Strategic Fields of Action for Serial Refurbishment in Germany's Residential Building Stock
Mirjam Sophie Mauel  1@  , Elisabeth Beusker  1@  
1 : Chair for Real Estate Development - RWTH Aachen University

The European Union has set itself the goal of significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector by 2050. In Germany, carbon dioxide emissions from existing buildings account for a significant proportion of total emissions. In this study, serial refurbishment is considered as a potential approach for achieving a climate-neutral residential building stock in Germany. This analysis takes into account the ambitious German government targets to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 88% by 2040, as well as the current state-of-the-art and the German funding landscape.

The approach utilises building technology and construction measures to improve the energy efficiency standard and quality of living in the shortest possible time and in a minimally invasive manner. This study aims to assess the advantages of serial refurbishment compared to conventional refurbishment solutions and to identify the key fields of action for the feasibility of this innovative approach.

Through a combination of literature review, analysis of pilot projects and interviews with experts from the building and energy sectors, the study identified five key fields of action, classified as follows: environmental framework, condition of the building stock, regulatory framework, economic viability, and innovation and technology. Each of these fields represents a cluster of aspects that have a significant impact on the feasibility of serial refurbishment and are in constant interaction with each other.

These fields of action include the importance of financial incentives and political support as well as the importance of preserving the character of the building stock during refurbishment. Furthermore, the results indicate that the implementation of smart building technologies for efficient energy management and the promotion of behavioural changes among residents to reduce energy consumption are essential aspects for the feasibility of serial refurbishment.

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